
Clean Marine Group uses FMCI patented technology to process liquid waste from marine vessels so these vessels can comply with MARPOL

Clean Marine Group, a Bahamas based company, has signed the final financing agreements with the Inter-American Development Bank to facilitate the construction of a state-of-the-art MARPOL Port Reception Facility in Freeport, Grand Bahama

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Frank Millard Cavitation inc takes water technology to Texas

Posted on October 2, 2018 (October 2, 2018) by Mitton Cavitation

The Burlington company is testing the new water remediation program in the oil fields of West Texas.

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Frank Millard acquires U.S. distribution rights for water remediation technology

Frank Millard and Company has secured U.S. marketing, distribution and servicing rights to a cavitation reactor technology from Mitton Valve Technology of Brantford, Ontario, Canada